--News Board--

Jasmine apparently laughs too loud (Mason-8 doesn't really think so but...)

Armando is still the most annoying student enrolled in Life.

Top 10 Most Annoying People at Divine Savior (List Compiled By The Study Of These Students Various Actions):

10. Jasmine Bink
9. Drake Ninmer
8. Greta Schaeuble
7. Paytin Noordyk
6. Mason Schneider
5. Cody Joas
4. Sam Keuler
3. Ethin Morgen
2. Henry Salm
1. Armando Moreno Cruz
0. Tommy Grundl
-1. Clay Routman
-2. Gavyn Voland
-3. N/A
-4. Mr. Clark (The Way He Talks)
-5. Corbin Danes
-6. Mason Schaefer
-7. Mason Schneider
-8. AJ Harper
-9. Corbin Danes
-10. Armando Moreno Cruz

If you must know, the negatives mean that they are worse than 1st place. If someone has two places that means they can be in both places, just at different times.

Welcome to our group we like to call... Ogres, are like Cakes. We praise the cakes.